Catholic Girl, Vodoun, and More
It took me a while to sort out what has been making crazy influences in my life. Vodoun. Someone was crazy enough to call on a trickster spirit that is into mind games, torment, and creating self-destruction in the intended victim. But, it showed itself to me. At least, it showed itself to me using those images. The thing is, I know what this is. I have a passing familiarity with it. I study and have studied religion and spirituality for close to 30 some odd years now, only because I am interested. And finally, that relief from the Catholic Church visit, and that Welsh parish priest, and his recommendations, all make sense. Vodoun is a synthesis religion, with some practitioners seeing the saints as avatars for the lwa. And, now that I know, I have a plan to address it. The thing is, some spirits are amoral, and rather neutral. They do not necessarily favour the one who called them up. And if the party that sent this afte...